Saturday 13 August 2016

In Memory of My BEAUTIFUL Papou...

Early Tuesday morning I got a couple phone calls and was told my dear Papou had died, my heart sunk :-(

Remembering My Papou...
Growing up I lived across the road from this tough, sometimes scary, strong man. I highly respected him, and LOVED him sooooooo VERY much. He was the only male role model myself and my sister had, and as we grew older, we respected and loved him even more for that.

Every time I seen him I would always take a photo of him, kiss him on the head and tell him I Love Him, he would respond with barely a smile on his face, but I knew he was saying he loved me to.
Pops was a special man to me, I will always remember his strength and determination in life. I have so many stories and memories about my Pops, and I will cherish them always I'm sure.

Love You Pops...
Awww, My Girls with their Great Papou...
Just a few memories I have of my Pops...
I remember getting busted eating unripened fruit off of Pops fruit trees, haha, Pops chased me away. I remember Pops cooking delicious Greek food for the whole family all the time, most of the time his Greek food was delicious, sometimes it was a little too salty, Haha. I grew up with Pops making his own wine, own honey, and having a large backyard FULL of vegetables and fruit trees. I remember Pop would carry his bottle of home made wine to my Yaiyais house (they lived one house away from each other) everyday for lunchtime.
I remember myself and my sister often going to his house (we lived across the road from each other) and he would have a little milky way bar waiting for us to eat.
I remember Shane visiting Pops himself a few times... one time in particular it was about 10am, and Pops insisted on cooking for him. Well pops cooked steak for Shane at 10am ( it was his lunch since he had been up early), steak and homemade wine at 10am, Haha.
I remember Pops house always smelling old and feeling refreshingly cold. I remember my girls meeting Pops, getting to know him and having that same look of fear mixed with love and respect for him.
I Remember so much about you Pops...I am most glad and will always cherish kissing you on the head when I seen you, taking a photo of you and telling you I loved you...I am so HAPPY I had those small, yet very special moments with you over the years.
Love them xo
Can you spot his home made wine, Haha!
Shane and Pops having their regular silent conversations, haha, they could hardly understand each other because of the language barrier, yet they understood each other, Haha!
Looking Good Pops...
Awww, Love this pic, Can you spot his smile :-D

Our Memorial Service for Our much Loved Papou...

Yesterday we had a memorial service for my Beautiful Papou. Shane, Myself, Elissa, Serena made our way to the beach. We all prepared some words to share about Papou. We prayed, I shared a word from the bible, we looked at some photos of Papou (the photos often look the same, barely a smile and usually his homemade wine at arms reach, Haha) and talked about some funny stories about Pops. We cried, laughed, cried some more, ate some lunch and we ended it with eating a milky bar (in memory of Pop), and walked along the was special for us, and it was good and healthy for all of us to remember, reflect, cry and laugh, release the pain, remember the funny and happy times and finally say Goodbye to our Papou xoxoxoxo
Elissa's letter and Picture to Papou...
Serena's letter and picture to Papou...
Shane reflecting...
Milky Way bars in Memory of Papou...
Goodbye Pops xoxox
It's so sad to think you are no longer here on earth, it is a sad and strange thought to think I will never see you again at birthdays, Easters, Christmas, at your house. It is sad to think I will never taste your Greek food again, sip your rocket fuel wine, and it is very sad to think I will never be able to kiss you on the head and say I Love You, however, I have a heart full of memories of you and I am grateful and blessed to have them...I am glad you lived a long and full life Pops xoxoxox
I Love you Papou...Goodbye xoxoxoxo