Wednesday 22 March 2017

Another Post From Shane...

Hi guys, it's Shane here...
Here's my 3rd post in 15 months! I think I'd better calm down 😃

I don't normally share about all the people we minister to but this was another one that was truly appointed by God.

One of the great things about travelling is you meet so many people along the way, and we always get chatting. This particular day I was talking with a few couples that were staying in the park and one man in particular became interested when we were talking about God and Church. 

I met with the man later on that night to discuss God further. It turns out that this man was from Switzerland and had fallen away from God. His story is unbelievable. He was such a committed follower of Jesus. He was an elder in a church, he would preach, run the youth and studies and he had studied theology and more. However, this man had faced some issues in his life that had caused him to no longer commit to church and strained his walk with God. This was 20 years ago and he was still struggling with these same issues.

God was now working in his heart. The other night as he opened up and shared with me, he knew that God was calling him back to Him. It was no coincidence that he and I met, it was an appointment made by God Himself! We talked and prayed, it was great!
This man will be back at Switzerland soon and I pray he will continue to allow God to help him release the chains that have been holding him back from freedom over the last 20 years, and renew his relationship with God again.

I wanted to share this for 2 reasons!
1.  For people to pray for this man to be free of the chains that held him captive for so long, and pray for us, for God to continue to use us in this way, we love it!
2. To encourage anyone who may have a hindered relationship with God, don't give up on HIM. No matter how far away from God you may feel, Jesus has never left you. Allow your faith to believe. God will never leave you, nor forsake you. Don't allow the past to hold you there, let go of it and run toward God. God is waiting for you. He loves you so much. Just start talking to him again.

Read Romans 8:38.

Romans 8:38-39New Living Translation (NLT)

38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[a] neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

God Bless You.