Monday 9 April 2018

Holy And Sacred Women Of GOD...

When I gave birth to you I cried and was full of pure joy and love for you Elissa and also for God for giving me you. I knew how much God loved us because in an instant I knew the LOVE of a mother for her baby, and I knew right there and then how so very much our Father in heaven must LOVE us. 

We named you Elissa because we wanted you to have a feminine name and a name that was powerful, so that every time we spoke it we would be confessing something powerful into your life. Elissa means...Holy and Sacred Women of God, and that you are. 

Just as I cried and felt pure joy and pure love for you and God when you where born, so did I feel that same way when I witnessed you being born again. You precious, godly, young women of God, we are sooooo extremely proud of the godly young women you are growing into. Don't ever forget we have your back and most of all so does God. Allow HIM to lead you Elissa and HE will show you in which direction HE wants you to go.
Elissa you have a calling on your life, God has wonderful plans and a purpose for your life, keep looking to HIM because HIS way is always the right way. 
Elissa because of GOD you have purpose, you are forgiven, you have power within you, you have a love within you that this world craves, use it Elissa...all that God has gifted you with use for HIS plan and purpose for your life and see how full and wonderful life can be.
On the screen was displayed Elissa's reason for getting baptised...Elissa said "I felt called by God and I want to get closer to Him."
To celebrate and acknowledge Elissa's water baptism we gifted her with a dove charm/necklace. The dove represents the Holy Spirit.
In Acts 2:38 Peter says, "Repent and be baptised every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."


Elissa's Baptism...

By the way I hope everyone is well and had a wonderful Easter weekend, we sure did!
Just as Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, Elissa rose into new life when she got baptised in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, WAAHHHOOOOOOO!!!
Take Care,
Love Dimi