Thursday 12 November 2015

A Post from my Heart...

As a little child I knew God answered prayers. I recall as a young child praying to God about very specific things and people and God would answer me by giving me exactly what I prayed for. I had the most beautiful, pure FAITH of a child...

I feel for the most part, I still carry this FAITH with me. Yes, I get scared at times of what the future may and may not bring. I worry and I have fear at times and sometimes it overwhelms me BUT...BUT these fears, these worries, DO NOT and WILL NOT hold me back in doing what I was made to do. They WILL NOT hold me back from what God has planned for my life!

I believe having REAL FAITH involves facing some form of fear! For instance, if you were thinking of leaving your job to pursue a dream, or if you decided to buy a business, or even get married, all of these decisions involve some form of you having to face some fear. If it doesn't involve you facing fear, then how significant is it really to you??
You know the fear that says, " What if you buy a business and its a complete flop? " and " What if you marry that man/women and its a disastrous marriage? " and " What if you leave your job, sell your house to follow your God given dreams and it ends up an epic fail? "

You know what I say? I say, Look at fear in its eye and say to it, " I may be scared, I may be worried BUT Fear, you WILL NOT hold me back...You can only hold me back if I allow you to and Guess What? I won't allow you to...FEAR, YOU HAVE NO HOLD ON ME!!! "

What if you buy a business and its a complete success! What if you marry the one you love and together you create a loving marriage! What if you follow your God given dreams, and the journey you embark on is Sooooooo much better than you could have ever imagined!

You see, I believe we should acknowledge our fear and say, " Yep, I'm scared of doing this, I'm scared of taking this LEAP of Faith, but that's okay because I"m going to do it anyway.......and then JUMP!! JUMP!! JUMP!!

See that's what I believe FAITH is, its being scared but doing it anyway because you choose to trust God.
Faith to me is...even though I'm afraid to follow my dreams, even though I'm afraid of what is to come, I'm going to give it a go anyway.
If your not scared, if there was no risk involved, does it really mean that much to you?
If you didn't have any fear associated with your decision, and again if there was absolutely no risk, then there would be no reason at all to have FAITH.

Fear isn't necessarily all bad all the time. Some fear truly is bad, if it grips you, controls you and holds you back, then that fear is bad and its a life sucker. 
There is, I believe a good/healthy fear...A healthy fear will stop a child from touching a flame, that type of fear prevents the child from getting burnt. That's a good/healthy fear!

So when you face a significant decision ( especially one that is GOD led ), and when you feel fear start to take a hold of you, acknowledge the fear and say, " I may be afraid but I'M DOING IT ANYWAY! "
This comes to mind...Gods got you and me in the palm of HIS BEAUTIFUL hands!

* As a side note...I never intended to type this post, I actually had another post planned and as I was typing I felt it on my heart to type the above post...So if you've read this, Thank You for reading it and I hope it speaks to your heart somehow!
Take Care,
Dimi xoxox  


  1. Dear Dimi,
    As I am about to start my faith journey around Australia this post spoke to my heart. I am facing many fears and being challenged everyday, where I start to question, 'is this really what God wants me to do?'. I wont let my fear hold my back from listening to his Holy Spirit.
    Many thanks

  2. Hi Rochelle,
    Go for it Rochelle...Fear has no hold on don't let it hold you back from your God given dreams. What's the worst that could happen. You know on my faith led journey I have confronted many difficult times, no journey is always smooth sailing, however, I have had many, many wonderful experiences and no one can take those away from me. Embrace life and do what you want with it. Celebrate the good and dust yourself off from the bad. Just step out in won't regret it.
    Love Dimi xo
