Friday 20 November 2015

How do you make more space in a caravan?

Well, the way to make more space in your caravan is simple...take less things with you, Hahaha...Its the only way!
I've been packing our necessary items in our caravan and its very quickly becoming full. Over the few months before we purchased our beautiful home on wheels, I would add to my grocery trolley a few extra canned goods, pastas, rice, toiletries and stationery...oh I have a deep and probably unhealthy Love for toiletries and stationery and because of this, I tend to go a little overboard when purchasing them, Haha!
Its been a bit of a task to get these items to fit into their allocated cupboards. I like things very neat and tidy and so I had a list of what items go in which cupboard, yep I'm a bit of a nutter. Well the list did help, but it didn't entirely work because I bought too much stationery, toiletries, canned goods, pastas and rice didn't I! I didn't even think of our last day here when we will need to empty our large kitchen pantry items into our much smaller caravan pantry cupboards!

Anyway, I've done the best I can and we still have some space for other items we will need ( no food, no stationery and no toiletries though, Hahaha ) but for now I'll share some pics of my crazy organising...
Ummm, I still have 2 other places in the caravan that I've stashed some toiletries...don't tell Shane ;-)
Some canned goods...Shane says you can't go camping/travelling without baked beans. His a crack up!...
I think I have enough pasta and rice for about 6 months...
Shhh, this is just 1 of 3 places that I've stashed stationery in...Shane doesn't need to know...Hahaha!
Some more food storage and stationery...

Oh and finally, I've packed these other necessary items.............What do you think? Do you think these are necessary items when living in a small space and travelling around Australia??? Hahaha...
My Beautiful earrings...
And just a few necklaces...
Yea, I think so, Haha....A girl has got to have some pretty earrings no matter what she's doing or where she's going, and I did leave most of them behind, so I've done they only take up a tiny bit of space :-)

Looking forward to learning to live with less!
Take Care,
Dimi xoxox


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