Saturday 12 March 2016

The Travelling Bible in Eden...New South Wales...

The Travelling bible has made it to Eden, New South Wales, WOOHOOO :-)
A little while ago, God said " I will make you fisher of men." I was reminded of that yesterday on the way to this beautiful lake where we went fishing. I knew I needed to take the travelling bible photo at this fishing spot...
This is what happened yesterday..take from it what you like, for me it is a reminder that God is on this journey with us, His hand is upon us, and He is protecting us, leading us, and providing for us...I hope this encourages you!

This is what happened yesterday...As we drove to this beautiful lake for a day of fishing, I felt to take my travelling bible photo here. I was also reminded of something I felt God place on my heart a couple of years ago, "I will make you fisher of men, come follow me."  
We fished for quite a few hours and we caught nothing (we had a heap of fun though). While we were on the jetty, many boats came and went because there was a local fishing comp on during the week. We had decided to stay just a little longer, when a women followed by a man approached us. These people handed us a large salmon and a Tailor (blue fish), they then called us over to their boat and handed us a gorgeous looking flying fish..WOWSA!
These fish were just caught and just given to us free of charge...Who does that?
I was quickly reminded of the above scripture (Follow me and I will make you fisher of men) and another scripture in Matthew regarding provision (Matthew 6:25-34 ). I felt God tell me, I will provide for your needs in the way I want to provide for you, you need to focus on what I have called you to do (He called us, told us to follow Him, and told us He would make us fisher of men ). He had just provided us with 3 Beautiful fish, we accepted them and brought them home and shared them with our neighbours/new travelling friends, YAY for God.
This morning (just like every morning) I could hear the beautiful music the birds make here. As I was listening to the birds singing, I felt this on my heart.......I clothe the birds, how much more will I provide for you..Can you hear the joy in them? they do not live without? I give them what they need..keep doing what I've called you to do with Joy in your heart, and don't worry about your needs, I will give you what you need (words from Matthew 6).

I know this is a lot to take in, I don't usually share a lot of the words I believe God puts on my heart, but I felt prompted to share this on here. It shows how God uses His word today in a very real way. He showed me HIS words in real life. It shows how, when God calls you, He equips you. He doesn't leave you alone, nope!
Our God is good all the time, all the time our God is SOOOOOOO GOOD xoxoxoxox

So please pray with us for Eden and all of N.S.W. They need our prayers, they really, really do. Pray their hearts are open to God, pray for a seed of Faith in God will grow and flourish in their hearts, and pray for Gods will to be done here in Eden.

Thank You SOOOOOOO VERY much for praying along with us...THANK YOU xox
Love Dimi  

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