Tuesday 6 September 2016

Continued..Exploring Cape Tribulation...

..Cape Trib Day Tour continued...
So Cape Tribulation is the highest point of Australia that we are exploring on this Journey of ours!
Mangrove Trees on the Beach...
Daintree National Park...
End of the Cape Tribulation sealed road...
The Begining of Cape Tribulation off road to Cooktown...
Sealed road and Off road...
Where the Rainforest meets the Reef...
BEAUTIFUL Myall Beach...
More Sandy Feet...
These SPUNKS xoxox
My Spunk xoxox
Zoey had some Fun too...
Love the View...
Mr. Spunk...
Time to say Goodbye...
On our way home now, but wait, what is it? Can you see something up ahead???
Can you see something?
Can you see it now (whoops, didn't realise my camera was on black and white) because we could see it clear as day, up close, right beside us...
Can you spot something with it?
 On the way home we spotted a Cassowary on the side of the road, even better it had a chick following it around...we took many photos and got some footage of it and sat and enjoyed the very up close encounter we had with the Cassowary...Thank You God for answering our prayers and showing us this beautiful Cassowary with its chick xo
Waiting for the Barge to come and get us...Can you see it?
Crossing the river on the Barge...on our way home!
We loved spending the day exploring the many beaches, bays, walks and lookouts...some of these included, Cow bay, Alexandra Bay and lookout, Thornton beach, Coconut beach, Myall beach, Cape tribulation beach and it was wonderful to drive through and explore The Stunning Daintree Rainforest.
It was also good to chat to some locals who told us about what life was like living in the area...Did you know living in this area is basically off grid living, WOWSA, the population is only a few hundred people, and there isn't much work around, however, it is a beautiful place to spend some time in I think :-)
Our Faith Led Journey continues...
Take care,
Love Dimi xo

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