Monday 24 October 2016

What We've Been Up To...

We've now been here in the Cloncurry outback for about 6 weeks. In that 6 weeks we have been able to minister to quite a few people here, mainly at the caravan park. We've ministered to many casual travellers that have stayed here for just 1 night to a few nights. We've been able to have a chat and minister to some travelling families that have spent a few weeks here, resting from the constant travelling (and allowing time for our children to hang out together), we have ministered to back packers and the caravan park cleaners and we are ministering to the permanents here at the caravan park. We've invited a few people to church, none have come so far (but some will I'm sure) and over the last few weeks Shane has been asked to preach at the Cloncurry christian Church twice, we are sure that this arrangement will be an ongoing arrangement for as long as we stay here in Cloncurry.

The Pastor at the Cloncurry Christian church wants us to get more involved at church and in the community, so as always we will do all we can to help within the church and within this community...It is our pleasure to serve, and to be a helping hand here in Cloncurry and wherever we go!
Shane has been working in the early mornings cleaning Woolworths over the last few weeks, he will also be taking on shelf stocking at Woolworths for possibly a few weeks (could be ongoing) until November. We've applied for another cleaning job, so either I will do this job or Shane will leave Woolworths (which they are aware that he is only temporarily at Woolworths until a better paid job comes up) if the money and hours are better for us and we will both take the new job on together. So basically we will either have 2 or 3 jobs between the both of us, while homeschooling, ministering, preaching, family life...well it sounds like a whole lot of work but WE CAN DO IT, we are a Great team :-D It has been great, over the last few weeks we have had quite a few different job offers, so really the difficult part has been which job to say no to and which to take on that suits us best, both savings wise and hours of work.
We have become known to the locals and already feel part of the small town of just under 2,800 people. I've really warmed to this area, and even though it's in the outback and there is nothing much to do, we've actually found ourselves to be quite busy now that we are settling here for a while!
The girls are good, enjoying the pool here on most days (the weather here at the moment is HOT, usually in the high 30's everyday and it's only going to get hotter, well into the 40's and possibly 50's as the months go on) and doing a heap of extra homeschooling. The library as always is a big hit with them, and we go at least once or twice a week, usually spending a couple of hours there when we can. As usual, the girls take everything in their stride, they are little champions, always fun and full of life climbing trees, riding their scooters, usually reading a novel everyday or 2, making friends when there are other children around...I love our girls, they are very adaptable, confident, adventurous, they know that life is what you make it..I'm very proud of them xo

We are loving the beautiful sunsets here, even though it is very hot here, we enjoy a splash in the pool with the girls. We are getting used to the many green frogs we encounter in the toilets every day, but we are not getting used to the bugs, spitfires, midges, moths, mosquito...the bugs are difficult to get used to, we have been bitten many, many times. One of the times both my legs were infected with about 25 Midge bites, it was horrible. We've had to learn to apply horrible bug repellent on a daily basis to control the amount of bites we've had, even though I hate using bug repellent on both the girls and us, it is the only thing that seems to work.

Nothing much else to update on. The vehicle seems to be driving fine, and so it should be with all the $$$$$ we've spent on it. We've now driven to Mt Isa twice, just to check out and explore a different area and to purchase a few goodies for Elissa's birthday which is coming up fast!

Other than all that, life continues to move on and unfold before us and we continue to make the most of it :-)

I'm hoping all is well with everyone xo
 May God bless and direct your path xo
Have a good one xo 


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