Friday 21 October 2016

What we've Decided...

The Beautiful Colours of the Outback...
What has happened with our vehicle has forced us to re evaluate our plans. Most of our journey we have gone with the flow, not planning much ahead of time and it has worked out well for us.
When it was coming closer to the time we were heading down the red centre of Australia, we decided to put some plans in place for that trip, so that we were well prepared for the different conditions we would find in the outback and down the middle. We had planned and prepared well for this part of the trip, we had planned many overnight stops at some free camps, planned some caravan park stops (only ones with pools) so we all could have a dip in the pool after a long drive in the heat of the day.
We planned to go down the middle and back up and stop at Darwin for about 1 week, were Shane was going to have the opportunity to share his testimony with an Aboriginal community there. We then planned to purchase a generator (mainly for the use of our air conditioner since it was going to be VERY HOT) and free camp hop (basically go from one free camp to another and only visit a caravan park when we needed more water, needed to empty the porta loo, and wanted an extra long, good clean shower ;-)) in most of Western Australia. There are quite a few spots by the beach we looked forward to stopping at in WA, and we had decided after we did some exploring in WA we would stop in Perth to relax from our constant travelling and get some work and top up our budget.
(So when we were in Cairns we felt that we wanted an extra long stop so that we could all settle for a bit and have a break from constantly moving around, and we also wanted to top up our budget. We had done well with our budget, but since we had planned on a 12 to 14 month trip, we had needed to top it up because the way we were travelling we were going to take much longer than that. Before we left Sunbury we knew we might need to work, so this wasn't anything new for us).
We decided we would go down the middle of Australia first and then decide if we would return to Cairns to settle and work for up to 6 months, or go down to Perth to settle and work for up to 6 months.

So that was our plan!!

Well, I'm sure most would know that plan hasn't quite worked out, well not yet anyway. We still plan to do all the things I mentioned above, but...BRACE YOURSELF...Haha, we now have decided to stay right where we are, in the Cloncurry Outback!

So we are not going back to beautiful Cairns for rest and work, we are not going to beautiful Perth for those reasons either (well not yet anyway), we are staying in the Outback, Hahaha...I think we've been sitting in the HOT Cloncurry sun for too long and we've gone a little bit mad, Hahaha :-D

I'll give another update in a later post on what we've been up to here :-)

Side note: I just want to add, our journey continues but our travels have been put on pause for a little while, our posts will be fewer than usual..instead of up to 7 posts each week, I will post possibly 3 or 4 posts a week and update and journal what we have been up to. It also gives me an opportunity to write some posts I've been meaning to get around to.

So I'm hoping all is well in your world, and everyone is enjoying their week.
Till next time...Take Care xo

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